Live the Life of Your Dreams

I started this blog to help others live the life of their dreams.

There is nothing like going after your dreams.

Motivate us when we don't want to do the work,
Keep us going when we think we are stuck,
Help us see the future more clearly,
Inspire us to stay to our purpose,
Give us reasons to succeed, and
Make the journey exciting.

I hope these will help you live the life of your dreams, inspire You to become a better person, and add value to your life.

If you want to sign up for weekly Motvational emails, just email me at:

I also have a book series available called "CREATE YOUR DREAMS" series. If you are interested, please visit

Enjoy and God Bless You

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life's Standards

Last year, I developed what I call “Life Standards” for myself. This is a list of character traits, dreams, and things I want to specifically concentrate on in my life. I think it is important for all of us to have to have a list of standards for our lives. Sometimes in our everyday life, we get distracted from what we are truly here for. We forget that there are others of great importance in our lives as we work the days away. We forget that there are people in our lives that can help us out of the rut we are in. We forget about the good times while we are trudging through muddy waters. We sometimes forget that life is a miracle and we are very blessed to live, breathe and be free.

Here is a partial list of my “Life Standards”:
Carefree timelessness with Jen (my wife)
Pray and talk with God multiple times a day
Communicate well with Jen
Love and relationships based on acceptance, not understanding
Become the best version of myself
Add value to others lives
No cash, no buy
Be mentally where I am, not elsewhere
Measure value after activity, not before
Up by 7 most days (I wrote this when I was having trouble getting up at 8)
Confident, joyful, enthusiastic, invigorated
Be true to myself
Live the moment
Leave no regrets
Made a difference
Own my results
Be healthy

There are more, but I think you get the idea. I have this list in my phone, and I also have it in my dream journal. These are my life’s standards. Many of these ideas are from books that I have read, or speeches that I have listened to, others I have come up with myself. I bring it with me everywhere. If I am waiting somewhere, I am either looking through my “Life’s Standards,” flipping through my three hundred plus dreams or looking at my goals. Life doesn’t just fall into place, it takes many days of pondering what you want, and who you want to become; along with action, this makes for a rewarding life.

I challenge you to make a list of life standards for yourself. Make this your project for the week. Take some time and truly think about it. What do you want your life to mean? What do you want to be able to look back on? As we start the New Year, what do you want this year to mean to you? Look one year in the future. Who do you want to be? How do you want to change? What do you want to accomplish? What relationships do you want to concentrate on? What financial position do you want to be in? Where do you want to travel? These aren’t going to be your life’s standards, but thinking about these questions will help you develop the standards you want to life by. Develop your own life’s standards. Live the life you were meant to live; not a life of just success but of significance. Make a difference in the lives of others. Make a difference in your life. Take action. Own your results. Live the moment. Laugh. Leave no regrets. Live hard. Love Life!

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