Live the Life of Your Dreams

I started this blog to help others live the life of their dreams.

There is nothing like going after your dreams.

Motivate us when we don't want to do the work,
Keep us going when we think we are stuck,
Help us see the future more clearly,
Inspire us to stay to our purpose,
Give us reasons to succeed, and
Make the journey exciting.

I hope these will help you live the life of your dreams, inspire You to become a better person, and add value to your life.

If you want to sign up for weekly Motvational emails, just email me at:

I also have a book series available called "CREATE YOUR DREAMS" series. If you are interested, please visit

Enjoy and God Bless You

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


John Maxwell says, “Time management is an oxymoron.” Many people spend a large amount of time learning about time management. We read books, take courses, talk to people, and listen to speeches about time management. So what is the secret? What are all of these people looking for? First, we must understand that we can’t really manage time. We can’t add an hour here or borrow an hour from tomorrow so today will be longer. We can’t manage time itself.

We can, however, manage ourselves and this begins with our priorities. What is a priority in your life? What priorities will bring you closer to your dreams? If you can effectively manage and act upon your priorities, you will instantly become a better “time manager.”

Our main problem is not that we don’t have enough time; our problem is that we don’t use that time correctly. Millions of people complain about not having enough time while others, with the same amount of time, are flourishing in their lives. These people who are successful have their priorities straight. They know what must be done and they do it. They don’t watch TV when they know they should be working. They don’t sit down to eat a bag of potato chips when they know they should be working out. They don’t surf the internet when they know they should be making calls. They don’t go party when they know they should be studying.

In essence, there are two important steps along the path to becoming effective in the marketplace. The first step is knowing what must be done. This is all about having the right priorities. What are your priorities? Will your priorities guide you to the success you desire or will your lack of direction hold you back? The second step is taking action. We must take the action necessary to achieve the success we desire. Will your actions bring you towards the success you dream about or will your lack of action hold you back?

I hope you know what your priorities are. Don’t try to manage time. Instead, develop important priorities in your life. In order to know what our priorities are, we must first know what our dreams and goals are. Start reaching towards your dreams. Develop the priorities that will bring you closer to the success you dream of. Take the actions that will lead you towards your dreams. God Bless You.


Often motivation is what gets us started. We are motivated to lose weight, to work hard, to eat healthy, to save money, to develop better relationships, or to develop a better family life. Motivation is a great tool to have, but it isn’t what keeps us going. Motivation is great to have but we can’t depend on motivation to pull us through the tough times in life. Motivation is useful, but we definitely can’t depend on others to motivate us along the path to where we want to end up. Motivation is a very useful short-term tool. What we need are long-term success tools. Two of which are habits and willingness.

Motivation gets us started; habits keep us going. Motivation is often what makes us start, but the habits in our lives will keep us going. If we develop the right habits, we will live the lives of our dreams. We simply need to take the daily steps towards our goals. We cannot procrastinate and hope for our dreams to come true. We must act. We cannot depend on short-term motivation. We must develop our own long-term habits. We cannot wait for opportunities to knock on our door. We must go out and create the life we want. We create the lives of our dreams by developing the correct habits today.

When we have the right habits in place and the willingness to act, difficult situations that arise aren’t as ominous. The willingness to act and the correct habits are a powerful combination, and often end up with success. Too often people get discouraged and quit. Too often we think barriers are bigger than they seem. Too often we forget all we need is willingness and the right habits. Develop a willingness to overcome any obstacle in your life. Develop habits that will help you achieve the life you have always wanted.

I hope you develop a willingness to succeed and bring the right habits along with. The “right” habits are different from person to person, but you must find out what they are for you. If we have the right habits, all we have to do is endure. If we have the willingness to do what it takes, endurance is not a problem. Develop a willingness to overcome any difficulty that presents itself. It is powerful when a person combines the willingness to do what is necessary with the habits that create success. The habits create the action. The willingness creates long-term internal inspiration to overcome obstacles. Develop both willingness and habits in your life and watch your dreams blossom and bloom.


Give your best to life and you will get your best life in return.
Do your very best. There is nothing like a job well done. Many people have developed the philosophy of “that’s good enough.” They say it all the time. With their work, with their relationships, with their finances, and with their health. I once heard Brian Tracy say, “ ‘Good Enough’ seldom is.” So often we look at something and think it is good enough, but it is not. We have not done our best, we have given a meager effort, but we hope we can get by. We have not finished what we said we would; we just settle for where we are. We sometimes think we cannot change our future. That is what saying, “Good enough” leads to. “Good enough” leads to mediocrity and disaster.

Give life your very best. Live life to the fullest. Commit to your future and don’t settle for anything less than your best. Live an extraordinary life. Abe Lincoln said, “I do the very best I know how – the very best I can and I meant to keep on doing it until the very end.” What if everybody in our society developed that attitude? What if everybody did their absolute best? How would your community change? How would the environment at work change? How would you change if you put forth your best effort in everything you did?

We weren’t designed to live half-heartedly. We were designed to live full lives. We were designed to develop ourselves into people of greatness. We were designed to dream, hope, act, and love. That is what we are here for. We aren’t here to just take up space. We aren’t here to simply get by. We aren’t here to just settle for average. We were put here to flourish, to excel and become people of significance. None of this will happen if we settle for anything besides our best.

I hope you live life to the maximum. Live the best life you can. Don’t settle for less than your best. Don’t let difficulties slow you down along the path to your dreams. We only have one life to live. We must do the best we can with the time that we have been given to us. Life is a precious gift, don’t waste it. Some people will have small accomplishments while others live their wildest dreams. What is the difference? Those who live their dreams have taken action. What are the action steps you must take? Those who live their dreams have dealt with difficulties and faced their problems. What difficulties are holding you back? Those who live their dreams go after each day with passion and with a purpose. What is your purpose? Those who live their dreams do their very best in life. Give your best to life and you will get your best life in return.