Live the Life of Your Dreams

I started this blog to help others live the life of their dreams.

There is nothing like going after your dreams.

Motivate us when we don't want to do the work,
Keep us going when we think we are stuck,
Help us see the future more clearly,
Inspire us to stay to our purpose,
Give us reasons to succeed, and
Make the journey exciting.

I hope these will help you live the life of your dreams, inspire You to become a better person, and add value to your life.

If you want to sign up for weekly Motvational emails, just email me at:

I also have a book series available called "CREATE YOUR DREAMS" series. If you are interested, please visit

Enjoy and God Bless You

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


One of the greatest flaws of our society is that people think they can get something for nothing. This idea shows up in many college students and recent graduates. Many college students think they can just drift through college, drink and party all they want, study sparingly, cram for tests, eat unhealthy, and still get the job of their dreams. These kids are very misguided. They graduate from college with mediocre grades and expect a job at the top of a company. When a college graduate comes in for an interview, often all the interviewer sees is someone who is overweight with average grades and no job experience. This interviewee doesn't even understand why they didn't get the job. We can't expect to get something great with only a minimal effort.

People think they can get something for nothing. We all need to realize this isn't true. You aren't going to lose the weight just because you bought the ab machine on that provocative infomercial. Most people know the two steps to losing weight: eat healthy, workout. They just don't do it. Most people know the steps to achieving financial independence: spend less than you make, save ten percent or more of what you make. Most people know what it takes to be successful in their field: work hard despite the obstacles. They just don't do these things. They want the easy way out. They want overnight success.

These steps to success in your life are simple. It's simple to save. It's simple to work hard. It's simple to eat healthy and to workout. The problem is that very few people do this. They want the easy way out. There is no easy way to success. The road to success is paved with hard work and diligence.

What can you do today to work harder and become more diligent? What can you do this week to start creating your dream? How have you been hoping your dreams would just come true? Most people dream big dreams when they are young, but they run into difficulty and obstacles. The dreams turn into mere hopes. They hope for the best. They hope life will turn out. They hope the economy will turn around. Hope is great, but it doesn't help if you don't attach action to it. We need to let our dreams drive us. We need to chase our dreams. We can't just hope life will turn out for the best; we must create the future we desire if we are going to truly live great lives.

I hope you realize there is no easy path to success. A college degree accompanied by miserable grades will most likely not get you the job you desire. Overnight success is a myth created by the media so they can sell you promises of overnight success. The miracle diets don't work; the only solution to weight loss is eat healthy and workout. Burn more calories than you eat. All of these ideas are simple, but not always easy to do. Don't let society sell you on the fact that you can get something for nothing. It's impossible. The equation simply doesn't work. Dream big dreams. Decide which dreams you want to chase. Commit to the effort. Work hard. There is no better feeling than working hard and accomplishing a dream because of it. Don't just hope the life of your dreams will show up on your doorstep. Create the life of your dreams, and live that life for the rest of your days! God Bless You

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Winston Churchill said, “I will never worry about action. Only inaction.” Are you taking the action necessary to achieve your dreams and live the life you want to live? Many times, we see people on TV living their dreams, not realizing the action they have put forth. Many times, we see people on stage receiving recognition, not realizing the months and years they have devoted themselves to their craft. We can all become better by taking more action.

What action will you take today? Our dreams don’t come true all-at-once. They come true with action and the gentle progress of time. What are you doing today to make sure your time is well-spent? Those who achieve the success they desire take advantage of each day. Yesterday was important because it brought you to today. Today, however, is more important because it will bring you to the tomorrows of your life.

What you are unwilling to do today, you will be unwilling to do tomorrow. Some people say they will wait until tomorrow. What is going to change then? Is the economy going to turn around overnight? Are you going to have a motivational dream to inspire you to take action? Is your mentor going to call you and tell you to take action? No! These won’t happen. The greatest test of tomorrow’s promise of action is the action you take today. If you are taking action today, there is a good chance you will tomorrow as well.

Take action today. What steps can you take today towards your dreams? What calls can you make? What exercises will you do? What will you eat or not eat? What changes will you make in your life? Our life isn’t defined by what is going on around us; it is defined by the actions that we take. Are the actions you are taking leading you towards your dreams? Are you even taking action?

I hope you take the action necessary to live the life of your dreams. Progress is all life asks for. If your life was a body of water, would it be a stagnant pond or a flowing river? Are you constantly flowing towards your dreams with an upbeat attitude or are you letting yourself get stuck in the quicksand of procrastination? Take action today. If you don’t act today, you probably won’t tomorrow either. Today is the most important day of your life. Use it well. Take the steps today. Take necessary action today. Keep your dreams in mind. Don’t forget where you are headed while you are taking the action. Form the life of your dreams. Create the life of your dreams. Live big the rest of your life by taking action today!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We all face difficulties in life. Sometimes we think the difficult moments are out to get us. Few people realize difficulties are simply there to make us better. In the movie Evan Almighty, God (played by Morgan Freeman) says that He doesn’t give us patience; He gives us chances to be patient. He doesn’t give us strength; he gives us chances to be strong. He doesn’t make us better; He gives us chances to improve ourselves. Many of these chances we get are what we call difficulties and adversities.

One of the great measures of your life is how you face adversity and obstacles. Many people crumble under the pressure. Few people grow despite the situation. What path will you take? Will you stay down or will you keep getting up? Will you let the failure become permanent or will you only allow it to be a pit stop along the journey? It’s up to you. Nobody can decide for you. Nobody can act for you. Nobody can make you successful but you. What can you do today to face the adversity you are currently struggling to overcome?

People despise adversity, yet there would be no victory without it. If you ran across the goal line in a football stadium with a football underneath your arm, and you were all alone, that wouldn’t be a touchdown. That would just be going for a run. You need the three-hundred-pound lineman chasing after you trying to knock your head off. After you get past him, you need to dodge ten of his surprisingly fast friends. This time, when you cross the goal line, it is a touchdown. You need adversity in your life in order to win the great game of life.

I hope you realize you need adversity in your life in order to truly succeed. Success without adversity seems hollow. It doesn’t truly seem like success. When the Championship game is a blowout, nobody gets excited. What’s exciting is the touchdown with five seconds to go. Adversity helps create the great drama of life. Difficulty makes life exciting. My hope is that you face whatever difficulty you might be facing and grow from it. Don’t think for a second that you are the only one who faces misfortune. Each person does. The measure of your life will be how you face that misfortune. Will you let that misfortune shape your life? Or will you face misfortune, adversity, and difficulty with a sense of purpose, with a determination to succeed, with a willingness to overcome anything in your path, and with a resilience that will never fade? Live the life of your dreams. Let adversity help you build a life of greatness, success, and significance. God Bless You!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We all need to follow our dreams. Some people get lost along the way. Some get sidetracked. Some never even start. We need to figure out early in life the power of our dreams. If you are young, this is the perfect time for you to read this. If you aren’t young, it is still the perfect time. It is never too late to live your dreams. It is never too late to become who you want to become. It is never too late to become who you were born to be.

The most prolific period of pessimism comes at twenty-one, or thereabouts, when the first attempt is made to translate dreams into reality. - Heywood Broun. What a great quote that is. We all know people who, shortly after high school or college, turn into pessimists. I believe it is because they had trouble turning their dreams into reality. They had great imaginings, but it didn’t come true when they wanted. They had great ideas, but procrastination set in. They had big goals, but the road blocks seemed bigger. The invariable mark of a dream is to see it come true. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In order for us to see our dreams come true, we first need to know with absolute clarity what those dreams are. Don’t have fuzzy dreams. Fuzzy dreams produce fuzzy realities. If we are going to live the lives of our dreams, we must be clear about what we want. We must also take action. Not any action, but continual action. We must constantly strive to improve ourselves and our lives if we are going to experience our dreams. Very few people become successful without taking constant and continual action. We also need to endure. Many people quit when they run into roadblocks. We need to endure. We need to persist. One of the greatest feelings in the world is living a dream even though an obstacle was firmly planted in our way.

I hope you live the life of your dreams despite the obstacles in your way. Don’t become pessimistic just because you aren’t as successful as you desire. Sometimes we just need more action. What action can you take today? Sometimes we just need more endurance. How can you endure what you are facing today? How can you develop more resilience in your life today? Life isn’t about waiting until the someday that will never come. Life is about taking action today. Life is about enduring today. Life is about dreaming about the future while taking daily action in order to make those dreams come true. See the life of your dreams before you live it. Take action today to achieve those dreams. Endure through the obstacles on the way to your dreams. Do these things and you will truly live an extraordinary life!